
Friday, 20 May 2011

Gluten Free Crepes


1 cup Live Free Gluten Free (LFGF) Bread Mix
pinch of salt
2 eggs
1½ cups milk
3 tspn butter, melted
oil for cooking


1. Place LFGF Bread Mix in a bowl. Make a well in the centre and add eggs and a little milk. Mix together from the centre to incorporate all the flour, adding milk gradually as needed. Once all the flour is incorporated, add remaining milk and melted butter, and beat well.

2. In a heavy-based frying pan, heat just enough oil to barely cover the base. Pour in ¼ cup of batter, tilting the pan and using a palette knife to spread the batter thinly and evenly. Cook over high heat until lightly browned (about 1min). Turn crepe with palette knife and cook for a further 30secs. Remove from pan and keep warm.

3. Continue cooking batter ¼ cup at a time until it is all used.

4. Serve crepes warm with savoury or sweet fillings and toppings.


  1. I ran into your site on stumble. So excited to try some of your recipes! My son and I have been gf for 8 years now. Thanks for the recipes!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Would love to exchange any you'd be willing to share ;)
