
Monday, 27 February 2012

LFGF Gluten Free Hot Cross Buns

You need a mixer with a dough hook to do this recipe.


4 Teaspoons Dry Yeast (gluten free)
60g Butter or nuttelex
1 Tablespoon apricot jam
¼ Cup Caster Sugar
1 Egg, lightly beaten                                 
1 Cup warm milk
½ Cup warm water
4 Cups lfgf bread or pastry mix
¾ Cup dried currants
1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ Cup mixed peel
Flour paste
½ Cup LFGF Pastry Mix
1 Tablespoon Caster Sugar
1/3 Cup Water


1. Combine yeast, sugar and the warm milk in a mixing bowl, whisk until yeast is dissolved.

2. Cover bowl with cling wrap, stand in a warm place for about 10 minutes or until mixture is frothy.

3. Place flour and cinnamon into a large bowl; rub in butter.
4. Stir in yeast mixture, egg, warm water mix with dough hook for about 5 minutes .
5. Then put in currants, mix peel then mix until the dough gets lighter in colour.
Tip: With our LFGF mixes, if you wet your scoop and your hands, it will stops LFGF sticking (see photo) using the ¼ cup to scoop. 
6. Divide dough into 16 portions, place bough into a wet hands roll into a ball then place in a 23cm square slab cake tin.
7.  Place wire rack into proofing oven then dough on top of rack and 2 mugs of hot water place lid one proving oven then put in a warm place(a car is a good place on a cold day).
 Leave for 1 hour or until dough has risen to top of tin.
8. Flour paste: Combine LFGF pastry mix, sugar in a small bowl, gradually blend in the water. Stir until smooth.
9. Place flour paste into piping bag fitted with small plain tube, pipe across onto buns. 
10. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 10 minutes, reduce heat to moderate, bake about a further 15 minutes.

11. Turn buns onto wire rack brush with warmed sieved apricot jam.
12. Enjoy with a lovely cuppa or hot chocolate (best bit!) :)

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